“Behold, I will bring it health and healing, I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth”
- Jeremiah 33:6

Broken People Cannot Build

After many years of oppression by colonizers and wicked leaders, the people of South Africa and the rest of the Continent of Africa have been left wounded and broken. Since the liberation of nations in Africa, people hoped to see their lives transformed for good, but instead, they have been disappointed and hurt. ‘Hope deferred makes the heart sick’ Proverbs 13:12

Broken people cannot build – they destroy in an attempt to express the pain inside. Only when they are healed will they be able to envisage the future that God desires for them and be inspired to build.

The Lord has sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. (Psalm 107:20)

It’s time for Africa’s Hope, Healing, Restoration and Revival

“I hear the Lord saying, I have never forgotten you, sweet Africa. When Herod tried to kill me says the Lord, it was the soul of Africa that took care of me. As a young child you didn’t have anything to bring me, but you did protect me from the one that tried to kill me. And I have not forgotten your good works. I have not forgotten says the Lord, that when I was carrying the cross on the last mile, Simon from Cyrene, a black man, a man from Africa, an African bent his back down and helped me carry the cross of your shame, of your sin, of your sickness.”
– Kim Clement 2008

Our Values

Our values are based on the lessons from the leadership and governance secrets of King David the greatest King of Israel, and other leaders who came before and after him.



Virtually all forms of personal, family, communal, national, continental and global ailments are traceable to the unchallenged altars of Belial (Judges 6). These altars are foundational to sin which in turn open doors to and entrench humanity's shame, stagnation, defeat, affliction and all the major problems nations experience (2 Chronicles7:13-14).
Godly altars would thus have to be raised, particularly at the center and at the four cardinal points of each country, continent and the globe, to replace those of Satan in order to usher in all-round healing.
And healing is unlocked by a departure from iniquity (John 5:14-15) and faith (Mark 9:23 and 2 Chronicles 7:13-14).



Dishonesty, disobedience to God or the law of the country, or lack of integrity lead to corruption, heartless greed, crime, false promises or breach of promises, and strife at all levels.
Genuine love, an unwavering commitment to justice for all, a solid character and total obedience to God or lawful authority (Roman's 13:1-13) are indispensable requirements for the prosperity and enjoyment of rest round about by citizens and government. Unquestionable faithfulness is key (2 Kings 22:7).



Daniel's uncompromising attitude and pursuit of purity (Daniel 1:8) triggered the release of an excellent spirit and excellent wisdom upon him and gave him the capacity to solve mysteries and explain puzzles (Daniel 5:11-14), and resulted in his preferment above all presidents and gave him a reputation as the solution bearer whenever intractable national problems arose.



Moses (Exodus 18:20-21); Daniel (Daniel 1:4 & 20) and King Jehoshaphat (2 Chro 19:5-10) embraced training, knowledge and competence as requirements for ascending to positions. David's generals were the epitome of competence (2 Samuel 23:8-39 & 2 Timothy 3:17).



Every citizen must enjoy whatever his or her country has to offer and be allowed to contribute to its development regardless of their religious beliefs. Even skilled foreigners must be invited to help develop our nations. They and their countries must be encouraged to do business with us regardless of their faith (2 Samuel 5:1& 1 Kings 5:6-18)

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Bank Code: FNB 250655
Account No: 62859756466
Account Type: Cheque

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Johannesburg, South Africa

M: 072 808 6999

E: united@healingthenation.co.za